Product strategy memo


1. Executive Summary

  • TL;DR

2. Market and the Customer

  • Target Customers: Who are your target customers? Include demographic and psychographic profiles.
  • Customer Segmentation: Overview of the key customer segments, their needs, behaviors, and pain points.
  • Value Proposition: What is the value proposition? Describe how your product or service uniquely meets the needs of your target customers.
  • Customer Needs:
    • User 1: [One-line description]
      • Need 1: [Brief explanation]
      • Need 2: [Brief explanation]
    • User 2: [One-line description]
      • Need 1: [Brief explanation]
      • Need 2: [Brief explanation]

3. Strategic Goals

  • Team Mission: What is your team’s mission? (Qualitative statement that encapsulates the purpose and direction of the team.)
  • Measure of Success: What are your team’s quantitative measures of success? Define the specific metrics that will indicate whether the strategy is successful.
  • Short-term Goals (0-6 months): Immediate priorities and objectives.
  • Mid-term Goals (6-18 months): Goals to achieve within the next year to year and a half.
  • Long-term Goals (18+ months): Vision for the future and long-term objectives.

4. Strategic Pillars AND BIG ROCKS

  • Pillar 1: [Title] – Short description of the focus area.
    • Key Initiatives: 3-10 bullet points describing specific initiatives or projects under this pillar.
  • Pillar 2: [Title] – Short description of the focus area.
    • Key Initiatives: 3-10 bullet points describing specific initiatives or projects under this pillar.
  • Pillar 3: [Title] – Short description of the focus area.
    • Key Initiatives: 3-10 bullet points describing specific initiatives or projects under this pillar.
  • Pillar 4: [Title] – Short description of the focus area (if applicable).
    • Key Initiatives: 3-10 bullet points describing specific initiatives or projects under this pillar.

5. Business Model and Drivers

  • Business Model: What is the business model? Describe how the company stays in business a.k.a makes money
  • Key Drivers: Identify the factors that most significantly impact the business model’s success, such as customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, or retention rates.
  • Revenue Streams: Overview of the different ways the product or service will generate income.
  • Cost Structure: Breakdown of the main costs associated with delivering the product or service.

6. Superpowers

  • Core Competencies: What are your company’s superpowers? List 3-4 key strengths that differentiate the company in the market.

10. Product Roadmap

  • Feature Development Timeline: Timeline for developing and launching key product features.
  • Product Improvements: Ongoing enhancements and iterations planned for the product.
  • Customer Feedback Integration: How customer feedback will be collected and integrated into the product development cycle.

11. Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Go-to-Market Plan: Strategy for launching the product or new features into the market.
  • Customer Acquisition: Plans for attracting and acquiring new customers.
  • Sales Strategy: Sales tactics and channels that will be used to drive revenue.
  • Brand Positioning: How the product/team will be positioned in the market to differentiate from competitors.

12. Metrics and KPIs

  • Performance Indicators: Specific KPIs that will measure the success of the strategy.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: How progress will be tracked, reported, and adjusted as necessary.

13. Contingency Plan

  • Scenario Planning: Different scenarios that could impact the strategy and the corresponding contingency plans.
  • Pivot Strategy: Conditions under which the strategy may need to change or pivot and how the team will handle it.

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